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Bog – Klimataler
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Tag: Bog

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The climate crisis is the battle of our time, and we can win


Barack Obamas tale ved ”Democratic National Convention” d. 27. juli 2004; “The Audacity of Hope”. Oversat af Drude Beck i RetorikMagasinet #64, 2007.

We Shall Fight on the Beaches




Simon Lancaster i hans bog Winning Minds fra 2015.
Simon Lancaster: https://singjupost.com/simon-lancaster-speak-like-a-leader-at-tedxverona-full-transcript/
Simon Lancaster: You are not human. How words kill, 2018

Norris J. Lacy (ed.), Lancelot-Grail: 5 Volumes, The Old French Vulgate & Post-Vulgate Cycles in Translation, 1993, Routledge

Andrea Wulf, Opfindelsen af naturen, 2019.

George Lakoff: Don’t think of an Elephant, 2004. (https://commonslibrary.org/frame-the-debate-insights-from-dont-think-of-an-elephant/)

Drew Westen: The Political Brain, 2007.

Lantz, P.M.V.: Timely Emotion: The Rhetorical Framing of Strategic Decision Making, 2020

Frank Luntz: Words That Work. It’s not what you say, it’s what people hear, 2007 (https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/hotpolitics/interviews/luntz.html — https://www.sourcewatch.org/images/4/45/LuntzResearch.Memo.pdf — https://www.sourcewatch.org/images/4/45/LuntzResearch.Memo.pdf)

Greta Thunberg: No one is too small to make a difference, 2019

Benjamin Rud Elberth, Fra modtager til medtager, 2020

Jon Meacham: And his truth kept marching on, 2020

Om retorik:

Aristoteles Poetikken, 2004

Marie Lund (red), Danske taler, 2020

Jørgen Fafner: Tanke og tale, 1982

Charlotte Jørgensen og Lisa Storm Villadsen (red): Retorik. Teori og praksis, 2009

Chaïm Perelman & Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca: The New Rhetoric. A Treatise on Argumentation, 1969

Esben Bjerggaard Nielsen, A Rhetoric of Secular Apocalypse: Narratives of Catastrophe and Hope in the Climate Change Debate, 2013

Mark Herron: Narrator-in-Chief: The Narrative Rhetoric of Barack Obama, 2014


Michael Kammen: Mystic Chords of Memory – The Transformation of Tradition in American Culture, 1993

Anders Høg Hansen, Oscar Hemer og Thomas Tufte (red), Memory on trial, 2015

David Welch: Persuading the people: British propaganda in world war ll, 2016

Bruner, Edward M. Bruner og Victor Turner: The Anthropology of Experience, 1986

Amos Kiewe og Davis W. Houck, The effects of rhetoric and the rhetoric of effects: Past, present and future, 2015

Brandi Shaw Morris: Can Stories Make Climate Change Communication More Effective? Empirical Evidence, 2018.

Drew Westen: The Political Brain, 2007

Tarif Khalidi, Images of Muhammad, 2009

Gary Younge, The Speech, 2013

Benedict Anderson: Imagined Communities, 1983.

Jerome Bruner: Acts of Meaning, 1990.

Michael White: Narrativ teori, 2006.

Carsten Lyngdrup Madsens Nordboernes gamle religion, 2016

Nelson Mandelas autobiografi, Vejen til Frihed, 2006

Samson, A. (Ed.), The Behavioral Economics Guide 2020, 2020, som kan findes på https://www.behavioraleconomics.com

John Maynard Keynes, A treatise on probability, 1921

Richard Toye: The Roar of the Lion, 2013

Winston Churchill: A Life in the News, 2020

Artikler & rapporter







Esben Norrboms artikel ”Et kig i klimakritikerens værktøjskasse”, i RetorikMagasinet 74/2009

Stephen J. Flusberg, Teenie Matlock & Paul H. Thibodeau ”Metaphors for the War (or Race) against Climate Change”, i Environmental Communication, 11:6, 2017, s 769-783


Bill McKibben: ”Sådan tackler vi klimaudfordringerne: Luk som det første af for pengestrømmen’, Informations Kritik, side 5, 22. januar 2021


Alice George: ”When Robert Kennedy Delivered the News of Martin Luther King’s Assassination”, Smith sonian Magazine, 2018.

Flemming Emil Hansen: ”Sensationelt brevfund kaster nyt lys over Adolf Hitlers tidlige radikalisering”, Information KRITIK, side 13-14, fredag 19. marts 2021



Daniel Ellsberg, ”Risk, ambiguity, and the savage axioms”, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 75(4), 1961, side 643-669

Jens E. Kjeldsens ’Nasjonens tilstand og den tomme stols retorikk’,Vox Publica 10. januar 2016

David A. Snow og Richard Machalek ”Sociology of Conversion”, Annual Review of Sociology, nr. 10, 1984 eller James A. Beckford: ”Accounting for conversion”, British Journal of Sociology, nr. 29 (2), 1978.


Dickerson, Thibodeau, Aronson og Miller, ”Using cognitive dissonance to encourage water conservation”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 22(11) 1992, side 841-854

Specifikt om ozonlaget:
– Richard S. Stolarski, History of the study of atmospheric ozone, 2014, NASA Goddard space flight center – læs den her: https://acd-ext.gsfc.nasa.gov/people/stolarski/history.html.
En gennemgang af den videnskabelige metode med udgangspunkt i ozonlaget: www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/cfcs-ozone.html
– Elizabeth Cook, ”Global Environmental Advocacy: Citizen Activism in protecting the ozone layer”, Ambio vol 19 (6/7), 1990, side 334-338.
– https://www.historyofinformation.com/detail.php?id=2721
Hør UN Dispath podcast med Mark Leon Goldberg, The inside story of how the world closed the hole in the ozone layer, 23. Juli, 2018 – http://www.undispatch.com/podcast-the-inside-story-of-how-the-world-closed-the-hole-in-the-ozone-layer


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